
Cuckoo comes with a set of pre-built utilities to automatize several common tasks. You can find them in “utils” folder.

Cleanup utility

If you want to delete all history, analysis, data and begin again from the first task you need clean.sh utility.


Running clean.sh will delete: * Analyses * Binaries * Cuckoo task’s database * Cuckoo logs

To clean your setup, run:

$ cd utils
$ sh clean.sh

Submission Utility

Submits sample to analysis. This tool is already described in Submit an analysis.

Web Utility

Cuckoo’s web interface. This tool is already described in Submit an analysis.

Test Report Utility

Run the reporting engine (run all reports) on an already available analysis folder, in order to not re-run the analysis if you want to re-generate the reports for it. This is used mainly in debugging and developing Cuckoo. For example if you want run again the report engine for analysis number 1:

$ cd utils
$ python testreport.py ../storage/analyses/1/

Test Signature Utility

Run the signature engine (checks all signatures) on an already available analysis folder and see possible matches. This is used mainly in debugging and developing Cuckoo and testing new signatures. For example if you want run again the singature engine for analysis number 1:

$ cd utils
$ python testsignatures.py ../storage/analyses/1/

Community Download Utility

This utility downloads signatures from Cuckoo Community Repository and installs specific additional modules in your local setup and for example update id with all the latest available signatures. Following are the usage options:

$ cd utils
$ python community.py
You need to enable some category!

usage: community.py [-h] [-a] [-s] [-f] [-w]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -a, --all         Download everything
  -s, --signatures  Download Cuckoo signatures
  -f, --force       Install files without confirmation
  -w, --rewrite     Rewrite existing files

Example: install all available signatures:

$ ./utils/community.py --signatures --force